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Hoffmann Mineral公司提供的Powder coating, for outdoor coating...
来自 : www.ulprospector.com/zh-tw/la/ 发布时间:2021-03-24

Hoffmann Mineral is a manufacturer of Neuburg Siliceous Earth, a natural combination of corpuscular Neuburg Silica and lamellar kaolinite: a loose mixture impossible to separate by physical methods. As a result of natural aging, the silica portion exhibits a round grain shape and consists of aggregated primary particles of about 200 nm diameter. Such a unique structure is responsible for a relatively high specific surface area and oil absorption, which result, besides rheological activity, also in a whole range of application properties. Their manufacturing program includes the standard products Sillitin, Sillikolloid and puriss, the surface-treated Aktisil and the calcined products Silfit and Aktifit.

公司 hoffmann mineral is a manufacturer of neuburg siliceous earth, a natural combination of corpuscular neuburg silica and lamellar kaolinite: a loose ...在黏合劑與密封膠行業查看Hoffmann Mineral公司Powder coating, for outdoor coatings, anthracite gray [RAL 7016] (Formulation #L 00003.1)產品的物質安全數據表或申請樣品.Hoffmann Mineral公司提供的Powder coating, for outdoor coatings, anthracite gray [RAL 7016] (Formulation #L 00003.1)

本文链接: http://hoffmannmineral.immuno-online.com/view-692449.html

发布于 : 2021-03-24 阅读(0)